TransitieCinema: A Quest for Meaning

TransitieCinema organizes January 26th the screening of A Quest For Meaning in Het Nutshuis (Riviervismarkt 5, Den Haag)

Two childhood friends travel the world to meet some of the greatest thinkers of our time. This incredible voyage, full of moments of doubt and moments of joy, will lead them to question the very beliefs that have shaped Western civilization. This film captures the change in human consciousness currently happening all over the planet, and the desire to live in harmony with oneself and the world.

18.00 TransitieCinema Dinner by Juni Café in Het Nutshuis
19.30 Screening “A Quest for Meaning” by TransitieCinema
21.00 Workshop about the movie
21.45 Drinks and discussion!

A Quest for Meaning

* Admission to the MOVIE is for FREE (but we appreciate donations!)
* Make sure to ARRIVE ON TIME, the doors are closed when the movie starts or the venue is at full capacity.
* The DINNER is vegan and costs €10 euros if booked online at

More information about the movie at

Auteur: Neo de Bono

Neo werkt aan inclusieve en coöperatieve stad en samenleving. En woont, werkt en kerkt als een moderne monnik in het Haagse Moerwijk

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